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1) OGL contacts and leasing progress applications:  This application is a intuitive progress management system allowing all parties in the process to "see" contact efforts notes on each contact and the terms of such efforts.  The forecast reports show number of acres by area and by percent of likely close.  The data can be merged into any variety of oil and gas forms for easy document production.


2) Section - Tract - Ownership applications:  Allow for the MOR to built around a database structure rather than a spread sheet approach.  This allows for the landman to do a run sheet and chain the title at the same time.  Source documents from image lists are directly linked to each conveyance.


3) Landman billing applications: A billing application that allows for landmen to bill partial days to multiple clients or prospects.  At anytime the involved parties can see all expenses in progress.  Daily, weekly reports can be generated by landman, group, township-range, section or area. 


 Custom Application and Location Based Platform Opportunities are available by calling 405-657-0059.